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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fuck this Election Shit

I was going to keep my mouth shut because I don't believe democracy exists and I don't care if others vote but I'm tired of seeing this shit on my tv. For those that don't know, we had some gay ass election in Canada. Not that it matters, after NAFTA came into effect nothing else really matters cause we were always going to ride the dicks of the Americans but I'm tired of hearing about the civil responsibility and blah blah blah. The only time I ever voted was for Rob Ford because he appeared to combat economic manipulation but he turned out to be a fat fucking cocksucker like everyone else. The only other person I'd ever vote for in this world is the President of Argentina. Who the fuck cares what she does, look at her she's fucking hot. The day I vote is the day one of these rich lying motherfuckers address my concerns, these ones: 

1) Privatize alcohol, the LCBO are making sales well over 8 billion these days. We're paying too much for this shit, I never cared for selection and none of that shit, I want it to be like Columbus fucking Ohio. Where I walk into a bar, get shit faced, look at the tab and it says $22.50, food including. Fuck the LCBO and fuck the amount of money I spend because the government forces me to.

2) Allow for drinking in public. Everytime I go to any event in this country and don't feel like paying the $8.50 to buy alcohol in a stadium, I end up chugging beers in the Union Station bathroom. Prisoner in my own conutry, fuck that. 

3) Allow for prostitution. Truth be told this shit should be legal everywhere. Not because I care because I don't bang them, but what one person chooses to do with THEIR body should be their choice. They aren't harming anyone but spreading their legs (unless they knowingly give an STD) let heauxs be heaux (it's principle) 

4) Allow for this the shit that cures cancer to hit the shelves. It's been proven numerous times, speed up the motherfucking process. 

5) Give them niggas a chance. Right now 50% of black males in Toronto drop out of highschool. Then they do dumb shit like steal from 7/11s and shoot guns. Place emphasis on finding jobs for those that graduate with some sort of post-secondary education and you'd get a lot more productivity.

6) Drop the taxes. I don't care what the fuck you do with that money, when that G20 shit came around y'all spent $828228282829229 to suck Obama's dick for 2 days. Fuck that, stop taxing us.

7) Regulate these bullshit cable companies. Right now my bandwidth is capped at 60 gigs for no real reason. Then I have to regulate how much episodes of the OC or sports streams I watch a day. That shit ain't right, it costs them very little for this bandwidth crap and I have to pay dearly for long skype-sex options? Get the fuck out here. 

8) Drop them taxes at the border too. It costs Canadians on average 20% more for the same motherfucking goods than it would someone in the states. Pure fuckery. Stop that shit, either drop the prices in Canada or let us shop freely in the States, I ain't about that whole "protecting the industry" nonsense.

9) Cut that bullshit CRTC regulation crap. I want motherfucking ESPN I'm tired of curling and horseback riding on these motherfucking channels.

10) Stop giving welfare. Adopt the American "food stamp" system so these leeches won't starve but cut out welfare, it's fucking useless because black people take it to buy Jordans and Slap-Chops because it looked cool on tv. 

11) Stop with the peacekeeping missions. It didn't work in Afghanistan, it didn't work during the Suez crisis and it didn't work in Congo. Stop trying to help others and start helping your motherfucking own people. Stop wasting money on that dumb shit. 

12) Become friends with that nigga from Venezuela, Chavez. In the 80s, Trudeau used to fuck with Castro, even though Castro couldn't offer shit. Chavez got Venezuelans paying 20 cents for gas and we're out here paying $1.28 a liter because Obama pissed off OPEC. Fuck that, lets suck the dicks of OPEC (no homo) and start paying nothing for gas, we got enough oil and shit to last us the next 2828721 years, lets stop settling for this crap. 

13) Start charging the religious institutions tax. They got niggas in the Vatican in Versace and Prada robes and shit. They collecting that money from every church, everywhere. Implement a rule where they pay tax like everyone else.

14) Revive Niagara Falls. Niagara hasn't been shit for like 15 years. I'm thinking they should make that like a proper North American red Light district. See here's the thought process. Americans can't drink til 21, we can start drinking at 19, 18 in Quebec. That's a lot of loot you could get if you had a place for the college. Make Niagara Falls a place for Heaux, gambling, weed, cheap alcohol and give it a little make-over. Those college kids would be over here from the Manufacturing Belt every weekend giving money to the economy. Capitalize on thirsty white people.

15) Raise the voting age to 25. You really trust a kid who got Justin Bieber and Ke$ha on his IPOD dictating who the next leader of your country is?

16) Stop giving money to art. All them art people need is a fucking paint brush and paint. You could get that at Walmart for $19.95. Yet the govt gives these people thousands to create. Fuck that, let them work a 9-5 like everyone else and do that shit on their spare time, cause this blog is art and I ain't getting shit so fuck them. 

17) Automatic life sentences for anyone that is involved in a murder, rape, or crimes involving children. Fuck that 5-10 years they give you here, nothing under 25 years for those cocksuckers.

18) Legalize weed. I don't care about this one but the type of money it would bring in...insane. Everybody would pay $12-14 a gram if it were that BC grown shit. Trust me that West coast weed is worth the extra loot.

19) Regulate this free health care nonsense. The fact that it's free, allows for people to run to the hospital for cuts and bruises. Fix this but charging a certain amount of money for a visit. Let's say $35 per hospital/doctor visit that isn't a re-occuring problem. So if you have the common cold or the flu or an arm sprain, your ass should be paying to waste a doctor's time and the government loot. 

20) Start giving away free land. Advertise this all over the world. Open up the Prairies and parts of the Atlantic. Canada is the second biggest place in the world. Yet only 33 million people live here and like 8 million of those live in Southern Ontario. That means you have plenty of land that's just wasting. Start giving away the land in Saskatchewan and Winnipeg but make sure it's used for agriculture or some shit. In other words, give the land away but make sure the people who are on it, aren't sitting at home watching reruns of " In the Heat of the night" like I do. 

I'm out, peace.

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